Mums Advice

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Derek Will Not Kill Me I Won’t Let Him

Derek will not kill me I won’t let him.

Three months ago I was diagnosed with a Cancerous tumour on my brain.

My loving husband Philip was sat by my side as the doctor told me, and explained about the treatment I would need, I couldn’t take it all in at the time but have come to terms now that I have a long hard battle ahead.

On the drive to my parents to collect my children it dawned on me I would have to tell my young children but how, how do you tell your children that you will lose your hair, you will be in pain, you will vomit and you won’t be able to do the things you want to do without help and will ave t spend a lot of time at the hospital.

Morgan is 6 and Summer 4 both were far too young to understand what Cancer was and I didn’t want them to be scared my husband and I spoke at length at how to tell them and we had a starting plan.

I made my husband sit them down and he said “mummy has a naughty lump in her head called Derek, but the doctors have a super juice called Betty that will help kick Derek out, but Betty is so powerful that mummy’s hair might fall out, and mummy may get tired or be a little ill but Betty is going to get naughty Derek out”.

My beautiful young children know that Derek makes mummy ill and will talk to him and tell him to get out.

I didn’t want to scare my babies and every day they thank Betty for making my hair come out in clumps, Betty is doing her job and my babies understand that when I throwing up or struggle to get out of bed that it’s for a good reason, when mummy is at hospital she’s going to visit her hero little miss Betty.

Betty will not let Derek kill my babies mum I’m going to fight this every day and it helps so much that my children aren’t scared and don’t quite understand.

Betty and I are going to kick Dereks arse


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