Mums Advice

General advice from parent to parent

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Ladies You’re Doing Way More Damage Than You Understand

One mans rant about free bleeding mum with her children hugging her blood stained legs have gone viral.

Dominick Izzo said:

Look, ladies, you’re doing way more damage than you understand.

Saw a picture of a woman doing an incredible yoga pose in her Instagram account.

She was on her left leg and held her right leg way in the air, almost parallel with her head and straightened spine.

She had her daughter and son (who looked that he was about 5) gripping on to her posted leg, with both of their faces in her crotch… and she was wearing a very small pair of white shorts that clearly showed she was menstruating.

Her caption read, “if this monthly flood of ours makes you uncomfortable, maybe I should remind you where the fuck you come from.”

You think it’s cute. You think your monthly, natural event is beautiful and a celebration… not to a boy it’s not. Because we don’t experience it.

You think this “fluidity thing” is a game for you to play with your children and that sexuality, gender and identity is simply a fun way for you to live vicariously through your children because your mind is fucked up and you’re not going to oppress your child how your parents oppressed you.

Let me tell you something about boys; want to know why they are so much easier to raise than girls?

Because boys are biology designed to do one thing very well… get females pregnant. While little Suzie has a brain that is dynamic and ever-changing, us males are locked on toys, playing war or with toy guns, lego’s and sex.

By around 13 boys are capable of creating life.

And our drive to procreate is also a designed biological miracle. We’re pretty much one tracked minded from pre puberty on.

It’s makes us simple but that’s also a problem because it’s all we think about. And it’s distracting enough in life.

You come along at show Little Johnny how wonderful mommy’s vagina is and confuse him even more with the fact that she’s bleeding and you’re screwing up your child in ways that you should be ordered to therapy for.

When I was 9, friends of mine and I found our first “dirty magazines” while we were playing in an alley. We had NO CLUE what we were seeing.

At 9 years old, a boy shouldn’t be subjected to seeing the images we saw. We weren’t ready to understand what we these grown adults were doing.

But I remember we talking about it for months and passed the magazine around every chance we had.

That was decades ago. All some 9-year-old has to do today is google porn images and Mum and Dad have a lot of talking to do.

Believe it or not, it is a form of PTSD.

Men and women aren’t designed to see body parts blown open on the battle field and little boys aren’t ready to see or focus on sexuality issues that most adults are too embarrassed to admit they don’t even understand yet too.

Stop your bullshit.

Stop pumping your 8-year-old boys with female hormones because YOU have issues.

Stop showing your boys that it’s ok to dress up in girls clothes, because it’s not.

Stop telling you child that they can be anything they want, because that is a lie that will completely destroy them in the long run.

Kids aren’t meant to be your blank canvas where you get to paint anything you want, let the paint dry and then paint something else over it.

Be a parent. Not someone who wants to pump out a creation that is born perfect AS IS, but you think you know better than God does and want to make up for your messed up past.

A boy is a boy. And can NEVER be a girl.


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