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Being A Woman Is Pulling Hairs Out Of Your Bum Crack

Being A Woman Is Pulling Hairs Out Of Your Bum Crack

Being A Woman Is Pulling Hairs Out Of Your Bum Crack

Good morning rise and shine ⛅️ This is bloody brilliant 🤣🤣…….. Being a woman isn’t always make-up, nails, hair and #sexy lingerie …..IT’S…..

🍑Pulling long hairs out of your arse crack after a shower.
🌊When you have a bath and your vagina swallows a gallon of water…. you’re walking around 20 mins after drying and dressing and feel like you’ve pissed your knickers 😱

🌵Shaving your fanny as smooth as a babies bottom & it’s so prickly the next day.
🩸Walking in front of your friend and saying “can you check me?” when you’re not entirely sure if #MotherNature has come to say hello again and she’s showing herself on your newly washed jeans.

☠️Pulling a dry tampon out. That was the day Satan REALLY outdid himself.

😖Ripping out a #pube on a #sanitary towel.
🪒Vaginal ingrown hairs.
🏃‍♀️The cum run.

🐰Trial and error every new vibrator out there to stop you chasing toxic boys 😂

💨That little #fart bubble that sometimes travels up your flaps and having to do that little wiggle to pop it.

🥴When they’ve got you in that angle during doggy and the air builds up in your fanny and you let out a monster fanny fart!
🍒Having to hold your titties when you run up the stairs without a bra on!
🥄Having to “scoop” the boobs back into your bra when they’re uncomfy!
👩🏻‍⚕️Having to have #smears, although it doesn’t hurt it’s just another worry for a women to have.

🔨The pure headache from having your hair up in a ponytail all day and the relief of taking it out and giving yourself a head rub at the back where the bobble was.
💥Sneezing when on your #period………
😭Crying for absolutely no reason… and then feeling stupid about it.
🚿Cupping shower water in between your #boobies and then unleashing the tsunami that’s gathered there!
🧻Bunching up a load of toilet roll and stuffing it in your knickers when there are no sanitary products at hand.
🎁Leaving your most creative hair paintings in the shower, as a priceless gift.
🍫Licking melted #chocolate off your boob…that you didn’t realise you’d dropped half an hour ago.
🍒Cupping your boobies… why? Because its comfortable!

The list goes on…what a species we are 🤣


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