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Can I get a private post please? I had my son 15 days ago and I feel like I’m r…

Can I get a private post please?

I had my son 15 days ago and I feel like I’m really struggling, my other half does nothing but spoil him when he comes home and won’t get it that he can’t because I can’t give him the full attention he wants when he isn’t there I have a home to maintain, my son screams til his picked up and it isn’t fair. He doesn’t do night feeds as his excuse is he works why should he. I’m physically exhausted by the time I get to bed then I don’t sleep because my sons awake. He keeps calling me a sh*t mom because I keep crying and feel like I can’t cope and when I’ve tried speaking to him he laughs or makes fun of it. I stress out and that makes my son anxious and he gets even more upset, I’ll pass him to his dad and his as quiet as anything and the comment I get is and that’s how you look after your kid. Any advice would be helpful! Sorry for the long rant! Needed to get it out x


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