Can I have a post please is there any other mums that could give advice my son i…
Can I have a post please is there any other mums that could give advice my son is 10 in November and stilll wees the bed know and again not every day . Has any one else gone through this with a child this age . He’s been to the doctors as wanted to check he don’t have a wee infection and all clear I’ve cut he’s drinks down so tryed not to let him have one after 6 as he goes to bed at 8.30 I’ve took him 2 times to the doctors as he was weeing a lot and saying he felt like he has pains in his rib the doctors says every time he’s wee is clear . Would any one say it’s normal and there grow out of it or should I ask and say I want more tests
To add to that every thing is ok at home to no argument etc as people can say i child can if upset