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Can i have a ppp. Im 14weeks and 1day with my first child but i keep getting num…

Can i have a ppp. Im 14weeks and 1day with my first child but i keep getting numbness in my hands and feet also im always feel sick and dizzy my mood swings are going from the happiest person alive to wanting to punch someones head in. Is any of this normal? Thanks


One thought on “Can i have a ppp. Im 14weeks and 1day with my first child but i keep getting num…

  • All of that is standard…when you get further in you’ll get super hot and uncomfortable then be too cold…you’ll wanna eat stuff like random things in large quantity, then for a while not eat at all. You’ll cry so much it’s ducking stupid (this will continue after the pregnancy has ended) your sleep cycle will change you may begin to nap or get up hours earlier than before. Sleeping becomes near impossible anyway. You night go off sex or turn into a raging nympho! Those things you described are normal they are the first of many many odd things to come! Enjoy your pregnancy


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