Could I have a ppp I’m due to be induced today at 38+3 weeks. Both me and baby…
Could I have a ppp
I’m due to be induced today at 38+3 weeks. Both me and baby are perfectly healthy as far as I know but due to a few episodes of reduced fetal movements (the last time being yesterday) the doctors have decided it’s best to induce me early to be on the safe side. This is my first baby and I’ve put off thinking about labour until now. They haven’t given me much information about the induction process and I haven’t had much time to prepare as they only decided this yesterday evening. I think they are trying the hormone pessary method of induction. I’m just wondering if anyone has been induced early was it any different to other labours? How long did it take? Also was your baby ok being born at 38 weeks (I know they’re classed as full term at this stage but I’ve read various things advising against early induction)? Any advise or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.