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Could I have a private post please. I have ADHD and suffer with really bad anxi…

Could I have a private post please.
I have ADHD and suffer with really bad anxiety. I stress and over think EVERYTHING. Family have told me I should go to my GP and see if I can be given anything to help my anxieties but I’m unsure about taking anything for it, has anyone else and has it worked for them?
Any advice on any other methods that help?
I’m just so sick of constant worrying and over thinking the smallest of things! Even if I’m at work keeping busy something will come in to my mind and it’ll plant its seed and grow throughout the whole day and keep eating away at me until I’ve dealt with whatever it is! And like I say could be the smallest thing!
I’m not under any stress and so shouldn’t even have anything to worry about but I do! And it can get quite draining.
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you x


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