Mums Advice

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Don’t Let Anyone Kiss Your Baby On The Lips

Oliver Jaz Miller was born 3rd of August 2018. when he was 11 days old, he slowly stopped drinking milk throughout the night and started up with a temperature.

When he was 12 days old me and my partner rushed him to hospital  Oliver was put onto a heated bed with oxygen. He had a feeding tube put in, along with a long line and a number of cannulas

After 8 days of watching Oliver fight for his life in High Dependency Unit (HDU) the doctor finally came in and said Oliver had caught neonatal herpes. As you could imagine me and my partner was shocked, we couldn’t comprehend What he just said

The doctor began to explain the herpes simplex virus can be passed onto a newborn baby if; a person has a cold sore and kisses the baby or touches the baby after touching the Cold sore.

Cold sores are at their most contagious when they burst (rupture). They remain contagious until completely healed.

Oliver spent 21 long days in the hospital and we finally get to go home with 6 months of antibiotics and visits to the hospital

Please respect newborn baby and stay away if you have a cold sore.

We’re the lucky ones! A few hours later this could be reading so differently.

KEEP YOUR NEWBORNS SAFE, don’t let anyone kiss your baby on the lips, ensure everyone washes hands before they touch your baby and keep anyone with a cold sore away

Credit Lucy Kendall

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