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Heartbroken…… My 12 Year Old Son Is Gay

Heartbroken. …….my son is gay

My baby boy my youngest child is gay and yes I’m heartbroken not by the fact his gay but by how I found out .

I’ve always known my son was never a lads lad he was never into football he liked dancing he would prefer to paint his nails and play with hair then go outside to kick a ball about .

From such a very early age he had such good taste in clothes the outfits he would pick to wear always matched I used to joke with him you’re my little gay boy which he always replied ohh mum I’ve got a girl friend.

I’ve always spoke to him about his feelings and we would joke about being gay never once meant in a nasty way in just a way to try to help him feel more comfortable about his sexuality and that when he decided to come out I would hope he would tell me but this is why I’m heartbroken he never came out to me I found out by his school teacher who called me and she explained to me about my 12-year-old son and that prehaps I should talk to him.

Heartbroken…… My 12 Year Old Son Is Gay

So straight after the phone call I went upstairs to my son and gave him a hug and told him how proud I was of him and I asked him why he didn’t tell me was it because I always joked about it his reply was “no mum it’s coz you’re proud of me and I know you would want to announce to everyone I’m gay but I would like to tell people first”

So yes I’m heartbroken on how I found out but omg I so bloody proud of son xx

I also am so proud of my daughter Mackensie who is slightly older than her brother for making him feel safe at school and showing him how truly awesome he is.

I am blessed with two confident happy and caring children what more could a mother want? I love my Children more than life it’s self, every day they make me realise what true happiness is, I wouldn’t change anything about either of them from the second they were born i discovered what true love is.


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