Hello, can I have a private post please, I’m nearly 24 weeks pregnant and I hav…
Hello, can I have a private post please,
I’m nearly 24 weeks pregnant and I have made the choice not to breastfeed my baby, my partner has accepted my choice but isn’t 100% happy, but I have explain why I have chosen not to, his mother on the other hand is not happy at all, she breastfeeded all her children things I’m making a big mistake and has even said I won’t be a very good Mum, I have done the research and re read my notes (qualification as a level 3 childcare worker from birth to 14) so I do know the pros and cons on both sides, how would other mums deal with this, please no having a go, I know there are strong feeling on both sides xx
let me tell you no child is going to come back to you and say oh mom why dident yoy breast feed me .too much pressure put on mums with guilt trips you do whats right for you and baby.i reared 3 on a bottle and they are all now well adjusted adults.
Honey if you don’t want to breastfeed you don’t have to. Sod what anyone else has to say! I didn’t breastfeed my daughter and I don’t feel any guilt whatsoever. As long as your baby is full and healthy it really does not have any thing to do with anyone. I’m so sick of this stigma that if you don’t breastfeed your a bad mum. Breastfed baby great. Bottle fed baby great you do what’s best for you. Don’t get down on yourself sweet xxx
FIB! Fed is best. Whether it’s breastfeeding or bottle fed, as long as your baby is fed … What’s the problem? I breastfed but sometimes it’s not for some women and they shouldn’t be scrutinised for it.
You’re becoming a mother, stick to your guns and do what you feel comfortable with and screw everyone else and their tunnel vision opinion. 😊
My ex’s mum thought she new best she was a nurse ect I didn’t want to breast feed at all it was my choice. She hated my choice and said I would hate it ect, my son was sleeping through by 6 weeks was happy and my friends baby who breast fed was waking up in the middle of night for food right up until 8 months. I need sleep as I worked in a nursery and I wouldn’t be able to cope with 12 screaming babies all day on little sleep, I did what was best for me. I tried to breast feed my youngest my medical reasons I couldn’t I don’t let anyone make me feel guilty my children were fed and happy x
I wasn’t going to breast feed. And then my first baby was prem and tiny so I ended up expressing and he got all the nutrients that he needed from me. But I stopped after 3 weeks. Same again with my second. He was very poorly when he was born. So I was advised it would benefit him to breast feed so again I expressed. With my last I thought it was only fair to as well. By this point I was ok with expressing. I did 3 weeks for each. And from experience even though I didn’t want to while I was pregnant. It felt right when I knew it would benefit baby. As for the mother in law… Just explain that you are still not sure what you want to do. Make it seem like you are still thinking about it. At the end of the day if your baby is fed, you are a good mum. End of story. Listen to advice from people and thank them for their help. And then use what u need to use. Everyone has a different way of being a mum. But the fact is you are mum. And your decision is the best decision. If you are absolutely sure you do not want to breastfeed and you do it anyway because you are pressured, it will cause you to resent baby and it will make you distressed and chances are baby won’t want to feed from you if it senses tension. And that’s good for no one. You would be doing harm to both of you. So please please please do what is right for you. It’s hard enough being a first time mummy. But you will be fabulous because that’s just what happens. And when baby is here in sure dad and mother in law will just be in love with bubba and not be overly worried about if you or a formula is feeding bubs xx
Do whatever you want to do. But… I strongly didn’t want to breastfeed my son all through pregnancy, even when he was born, then at 3 weeks old I regretted it so so much. By then it was too late for me and him, then with my daughter I was excited to have the breastfeeding experience with her and I wasn’t able to as she was tube fed. I was absolutely gutted. But that is just me, ignore all other input apart from your own! Xx
I breast fed my first for 7 1/2 months while I loved it, it absolutely drained me she fed so much. So I’ve made the choice to bottle feed my second when she comes in July for me and for my eldest because I don’t think I’ll be able to give her the best of me if I’m completely warn out. When my mw found out she was all we’ll have to talk about that. She can talk it’s my choice like it’s yours. If you don’t want to breast feed don’t the baby will be able to tell your not 100% happy and that will effect feeding do what’s best for you happy mummy happy baby xx
As long as your baby is fed thats all that matters! I wanted to breast feed my little boy but when it came to it he just wouldnt take to it 😕 i beat myself up for it for about the first month when people asked me how i was feeding him but now i see thing about people who have breast fed and not known their milk hasnt come in and the baby has died 😭 my baby is happy and healthy on his formula feed and thats all that matters x
I didn’t with my two ! If you don’t want to then don’t I’m sick of hearing that breast is best and your not a good mum of you don’t breastfeed it’s so unfair my children are happy and healthy and I’m defiantly a great mum everyone goes through rough patches though don’t beat your self up because what your mother in law says I seem to see a lot of them sticking there Orr in atm 👍 good luck xxx
I’ve had six kids all bottle fed. I don’t regret not breastfeeding. Formula is good enough for millions of babies every day. Just politely tell your mother in law to mind her own business. Your baby and your body
I’ve got 6 children. I have bottle fed 3 of them, and breastfed the other 3. I’m still feeding my 2.5 year old. All my children are equally happy and healthy. So as long as you feed them and you and your baby are happy, it’s no one else’s business whether if bottle or breast. X
I breastfed my LG for three and a half weeks and then my supply completely stopped so then had to put her on formula. It doesn’t make you less of a mother if you breast or bottle feed. Personally I wanted to breastfeed for as long as possible and I will do when I have another child, but it all depends what the baby wants to do as long as they’re happy and healthy I don’t see any problem. You may change your mind when the little one is here but just focus on being a Brill mummy and tell everyone to stuff it who thinks any different x
If you don’t want to breastfeed then don’t I bottle fed both my boys and will be bottle feeding this one I’m carrying… there are some women who can’t physically breastfeed that doesn’t make them a bad mum! Each mother chooses what she thinks is best for her family not other people! X
I bottle fed both my boys and they r strong, smart, well mannered, healthy boys!! I cudnt breastfed bt even if I cud I’d still choose the bottle. Do Wat u feel is right for child and yourself and screw Wat everyone else thinks. U will b a fantastic mummy xx
I’ve fed two myself and bottle fed the third. They are all happy and healthy and that’s all that matters. It’s YOU that has to do the breast feeding and it is hard work. It’s YOU that should make the decision and you shouldn’t look for anyone else’s approval! I loved feeding my kids but I equally loved watching my partner be able to give my daughter her bottle xx
I never breastfed any of my boys and was made to feel like I was a bad mother but as me and my partner agreed not to as it meant he could feed and bond with the boys as well I wouldn’t let your mother in laws comments bother you as it’s your child and your body as the lady above said as long as baby is fed and healthy do what you feel is best for you 👍🏻
I don’t think it’s about what mum dad or other family members want I had no choice but to bottle feed my first born he refused to breastfeed and with my 2nd he would not take a bottle until 4 months so really and truly it’s what baby wants to do
Its 100% your choice….yes ppl won’t b happy but you cant please everybody…..im not breast feeding never have….it wasn’t for me….aslong as your baby is fed happy and healthy they should leave you to decide….remember your mum not them….x
I’m currently 21 weeks and am not going to breastfeed, I never with my LG either, it’s not all bad I think it’s nice for other people to be able to feed them such as dad to create a bond (also helps with the night feeds 😏) don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it it’s your body! And if you don’t feel comfortable you don’t feel comfortable, it won’t make you any less of a good mum! Along as your baby is fed and is happy that’s all that matters 😊
I’ve always gave my child both breast and bottle, he’s 15 month old now and I’m being asked when am I going to stop breastfeeding like its bad. You just do what you think is best and ignore them xxx
Fed is best. The bra fit lady made me feel bad because I’m not feeding my second, (25 weeks pregnant) but couldn’t with first due to recovery. It’s your body your choice
I bottled fed all my 3 and funny enough they have turned out fine lol I did try to breast feed but I didn’t produce enough and my eldest and youngest had trouble latching on, my middle child went straight on the bottle cos she a premmy and the midwives wanted to see how much she was drinking etc etc.
don’t worry about what your mother in law says, it’s your body your baby and if she says anything about it just tell her to stick her nose elsewhere.
Good luck and best wishes to you xx
It’s your choice hun. I chose to breastfeed my girls because a, I could, b, it was free and c, I was too lazy for all the bottle making and cleaning etc. But it’s not for everyone. You shouldn’t be made to feel guilty because you chose not to. Surely as long as baby is fed (whether that’s boob or bottle), loved and clean it’s all that matters. You do what’s best for you and your precious bump. Tell her that she should respect your choice as you respect her choice for bf her children. Good luck with baby and make sure you don’t worry about what anyone thinks and enjoy your new little family x
I only breastfed one of mine and even then it was only on a night time feed. She wouldn’t have the bottle at night but also wouldn’t latch on through the day either. My eldest 2 were both bottle fed ( one with cow and gate the other with sma ) and nothing wrong with them either. Stick to what you want to do after all your the mum not them 🙂
Oh my goodness I can’t believe you even have to deal with this! It is totally your decision! Fed is best as you say there are pros and cons for both but as long as your baby is fed that is all that matters! I can’t believe that in this day and age people are arguing and judging mums for what way they feed their own baby! Just stand your ground and stick by your own decision and don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for what way you feed your child! Breast or bottle is not best….FED IS BEST! x