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Hey, can I have a private post please? Might ramble on slgihtly which I’ll appol…

Hey, can I have a private post please? Might ramble on slgihtly which I’ll appolergise for now 🙊
So I’ve battled with mental health for years, just under 9 years to be exact, all started with a horrible violent relationship. my depression and anxiety was in the ‘sevear’ category an i was being tested for bipolar, i wad on a very high dosage of anti depressants wanted to take my own life, almost had my son taken away.. anyway cutting a long story short- I finally got rid of the abusive ex (god knows where the strength came from) and now I’ve been happy with my new partner for 4 years, he’s taken on my son from my previous relationship and we’ve now got a daughter together.. I’ve not been on medication for 3 years now, one day I just got the urge to flush )6 boxes to be exact) my meds away feeling like I no longer needed them and they I was strong enough- which I still believe I am-ish! Cutting another long story short- I still have some bad days, around 2-3 a month.. not as bad a what they use to be, it’s more getting out of bed, anxity going crazy when I’m going out, getting hot headded over the most stupid things and totally being off sex.. has anyone went through a similar situation? Please tell me I’m not alone on have the bad days? Any got any tips of how to get myself out the ‘bad days’ sorry for the long post x


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