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Hi can I have a ppp I have two children aged 2 and 5 months. Long story short t…

Hi can I have a ppp
I have two children aged 2 and 5 months. Long story short their dad is not involved. Now abit of background…When i got pregnant with my first child he was there didn’t really do much for our child but he was there. He never worked and refused to look after her by himself resulting in me putting her in nursery when I went back to work whilst he sat at home. His excuse being if I have a job interview then I can’t go to is as I will have the baby so I won’t be able to get a job. Baring in mind he’s never had a job anyway. When our oldest was one and a half he cheated on me and left. During this time he never saw his daughter for 2 months. He did ask about her every now and then but didn’t see her. We then got back together and everything was good he was making the effort with both me and our daughter and then I got pregnant again (silly I know but I wouldn’t change my child for the world) and everything went back to square one. He stopped making an effort and stopped looking for a job. My family got involved (which I know they shouldn’t have) defending me because I was the only one providing and paying for us all as I worked. I get no benefits so pay everything. Anyway once I was 5 months pregnant he done the same thing again. Cheated and left. This time he did see our oldest but not very often and he let her down on numerous occasions meaning I was left waiting for him at arranged places and he didn’t turn up. I then said if He wanted to see her He was to come to my house as I wasn’t waiting around for her to be let down anymore. He did this all of 3 times. He didn’t come to any midwife appointments over our second baby either. However He was there at the birth of our second child and saw her for 3 days before he moved 2 and half hours away with his girlfriend (the girl he cheated with the second time). Since he has moved he has saw our children once. He doesn’t pay anything for them and doesnt even ask about them. He has blocked me on every form of contact I have and when I ring the number I had for him it goes to voicemail. I was trying to sort contact through his girlfriend for him to see them but now she has blocked me to as he told her to do so. I have asked him to see the children 2 weekend a month and for it to start where I live then once he has turned up a few times I will travel to him also. Then once a consistent relationship has been made between him and our children we can talk about introducing the girlfriend as right now they don’t know him never mind anybody else. But he has said he doesn’t agree with this and refuses to come to my home city to see them. I have no way of contacting either of them I’ve tried his family also but they can’t help. My question is where do I go from here? Also my children are in his name and I would like to change it to mine. My reason being he doesn’t bother with them doesn’t acknowledge them and they have a name with no connection. I will NEVER stop him seeing them and will try everything I can to get contact but I can’t force him. He refuses to speak to me so getting his permission for the name change is near impossible. (He is on both their birth certificates) Can their names be changed without his consent? Sorry for the long post. There is more to this story but too much to write here. If anyone could offer advice I would appreciate it. Thanks.


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