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Hi can I have a ppp..sorry it might be long. I think I may have anxiety, i don’t…

Hi can I have a ppp..sorry it might be long. I think I may have anxiety, i don’t want to sound stupid and over reacting. I love my 2 kids with all my being and would do anything to protect them, to the point where I’m doing things that’s so silly. I really feel so stupid saying this so please don’t laugh😔, my 2 girls are 4 and 11 months and I used to hate them being around other children incase hey got ill and died. I was scared in case they maybe got a chest infection and died or got meningitis. Health visitor has been asking me to take my youngest to little play groups but I’m honestly on edge about it in case she gets ill! My oldest goes to nursery and she has had all the bugs and virus’s, I just look after her the best way I can and make sure she’s ok and after a few days she is better. My youngest has just got over croup and I’ve heard what that can be like so I was petrified Incase she needed to go to hospital because she couldn’t breath. Thankfully she’s better. But now I feel everything has gotten worse with me. Every time I see a picture of a baby/toddler I feel the need to “like” the picture because if I don’t something bad is going to happen to them! I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I HAVE to! I’m scared to go to the GP incase I sound daft or if the call social services on me and they take my kids away! Can anyone tell me what I can do to stop this silliness?
Sorry for the long post. xx


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