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Hi. Can I have a private post please, it’s a bit of a long one. Where to start….

Hi. Can I have a private post please, it’s a bit of a long one.
Where to start…..
After I found out I was pregnant after a one night stand, I got into a relationship with the baby’s dad not thinking I could do parenting as a single mom as I was in college and only 18 and also had a very toxic relationship with my mom and my dad is non existent!
So I moved in with baby daddy and got caught up in physical and emotional abuse from him – finally realised what was happening wasn’t right and left once baby was 6 months old.
Fast forward 6 years – I am now in a healthy relationship with kids from this relationship and my daughter has a relationship with her dad, couple days a week (court ordered) and loves him dearly.
He has always not had much interest in her and pawned her off on his mother so he could focus on his career and social life and having girlfriend after girlfriend and introducing our daughter to them early on in the relationship every single time, which I’ve asked him not to if possible unless he knows it’s serious as he’s had our daughter around so many failed relationships.
He won’t ever take any responsibility for anything to do with our daughter and now that she’s close to turning 7, she is starting to realise this all by herself and starting to make comments about him. I’ve made excuse after excuse as to why he has no interest in her so she doesn’t get hurt. But recently I’ve stopped making the excuses without bad mouthing him. I’ve tried numerous times to have a sit down chat with him as to why he is the way he is towards her and never wants to spend the time with her and he has zero interest. My daughter is now at the stage where she is telling her step dad she would love for him to be her dad instead now because he does more dad things with her and for her and she is starting to call her real dad a liar and doesn’t like going to his anymore. I’m at my wits end as I don’t know what more I can do, it’s clearly affecting her – she is starting to tell lies, starting to wet and soil herself and try hide it on us and her excuses for doing all this is because her dad “doesn’t love her”. Just wondering if anyone has ever been in a situation like this? Or any advice would be great? No bashing please.


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