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Hi can I have an advice. Please make this private post. I don’t know if I’m pr…

Hi can I have an advice. Please make this private post.

I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not. I got my period every month but this april it doesn came. I know my body and I know there something wrong about me. I’ve got to experience morning sickness sometimes afternoon or evening, I got hungry all the time, I got head aches and lower back aches. There is also some cramps it feels like there something moving on my stomach. I got my belly big and when you touched it its hard and hurt when i got my pants on it. I’ve also got sleepy all the time. And this week I got spotting? i dunno.. Its pink and small amount of blood for 2 days I just thought thats maybe a sign of my period is coming .. the next day I saw my underwear having brown blood. It’s weird. Thats why I decided to check my tracking for my next period and it assume that I maybe 15 days late from the prediction. So I decided to take pregnancy test and it came up positive with fainted line. I got confuse so I try again the next morning and still fainted but this time its very faint. Still having all the symptoms I got much confuse because this night I saw my underwear having heavy bleeding and use already napkin for it. It was saturday, the next day it became lighter than the previous one.. and on monday It got much lighter with small clot.I take pregnancy test but its already negative I don’t know it its a clot or what but its small black or dark red blood. Too small to identify. Then the next day. Its much lighter and stop but I got confuse because It has bigger clot than before. I dunno if its implantation bleeding or what? I’m still vomiting I dont have any cramps when I bleed. I had headaches. Is there someone experience this? can you please help me out. Thanks in advance.


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