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Hi can you post anonymously please. Can someone help, I just really need advice…

Hi can you post anonymously please. Can someone help, I just really need advice. So my boyfriend works away from home and isn’t here at present … me and my boyfriend had a huge argument tonight on the phone and it ended with a few txts saying some things in anger etc. I just had a gut feeling something wasn’t right after our row , so I logged into his Facebook on my phone (I know, I shouldn’t of) and I went into search history and 10 mins after our argument, he had searched for the girl he had cheated on me with a few years ago.. you know, we have worked things out and moved on and as far as I’m aware, he’s never met her or messaged her since the one night stand.. so naturally I’m really shocked that we have had a huge row, then he looked her up? What shall I do? What would u guys do? Do u think he’s just done it in anger? I just don’t get why looked her up… just cause we had a row. Her name never comes up between us any more and I just don’t understand why. I can’t really even confront him can I, cause I looked on his fb? I can’t sleep, just laying here wondering how to feel. It doesn’t help that she is beautiful and alot of men fancy her. Whilst I look like shrek ☹️
Also please add, as far as I can see, he hasn’t messaged her or added her, just looked at her profile. I just don’t get why xx


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