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Hi can you post on your private chat please. Just looking for some advice. My so…

Hi can you post on your private chat please. Just looking for some advice. My son is 4 and goes to nursery he is a shy boy and doesn’t really speak much in school… Anyway it was only 2weeks ago a boy in his class was shouting across the play ground my son is a baby who can’t talk. Now Today my partner has picked him up from nursery and hes got a black eye. The teacher didn’t say anything so he asked what has happened she said she didn’t know, my son hadn’t been upset or said anything to her.. I’ve questioned him and he’s saying a certain child hit him because he had a toy, then a different story that it was another child’s name.. There’s no cameras so I’m not sure what to do? His eye his quite bad , all the top of his eyebrow is swelled and blue underneath. Any advice? Thanks x


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