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hi could you do me a private post please. I am not involved in a violent relati…

hi could you do me a private post please.
I am not involved in a violent relationship but my friend is or at least was I am unsure now.
She is 27, has two young children to this man, daughter is 10 and son is under 2. She is not married to him.
She has gone back and forth to him, never revealing why she left him in the first place, but one time she finally revealed that he used to beat, rape, choke and lock her in the house and that was why she left him.
She went back and left again and now she is back again!
This time, she is planning on marrying him, putting him on their childrens birth certificates, giving him more children.
I am at a loss. I have just had my first child on Saturday, tired but still care about her. She lives 6hour drive from all her family and friends, I dont want to put my cjild through her problems.
I just want advice what I should do. I have used this page once before, it was great advice.


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