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Hi I need some advice please. My baby is 7 months old now, he used to sleep from…

Hi I need some advice please. My baby is 7 months old now, he used to sleep from around 7pm-5/6am with 1 feed on the very odd occasion 2. Recently he has been up 3-5 times a night, sometimes having a bottle sometimes just shouting to himself, I’ve tried everything and couldn’t get him to sleep, I put him in his own room last week and the pattern is still the same.

To make things worse during the day he will not let me do anything! He constantly screams and cries whenever I leave the room, he happily rolls around on the floor or bounces in his bouncer but after 10 minutes he’s bored and screams continuously. I cannot go upstairs to make the bed or put clothes away and even when I take him with me he screams and cries in the same room because I’m not carrying him or giving him my full attention. I have tried my hardest to let him cry it out sometimes but other times it gets too much and I entertain him or cuddle him but I can’t do this all day. I sometimes take 3 hours getting up and out of the house because he just screams. Recently he’s started having paddy’s and he does this weird breathing thing when he’s calming down. I started weaning him over a month ago and that seems to be going okay and he is still having his milk in between. He is such a happy and content baby but when he was sleeping at night I could cope with him beingdemanding during the day but now he’s not sleeping I feel it’s 24/7 and I don’t know what to do 😞 I have every single baby toy, sleeping furniture and teddy going but nothing seems to help me just to get him to either sleep at night better or just be happy for an hour a day to let me do whatever I need to do.

Also yes he probably is teething but he isn’t dribbling much and I can’t see any coming through at the moment, I have considered this at night but even when he has calpol/nurofen he is still the same.

If people are going to comment saying it’s what babies do and I’ll just have to wait it out or whatever I’d rather not hear that as it will upset me more I purely want people’s advice and recommendations.

If nothing works then nothing works but I’ve got to at least try to make him happier and sleep better and to make me a bit sane again! X


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