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Hi please could I have a private post. I’m such a mess at the minute , for about…

Hi please could I have a private post.
I’m such a mess at the minute , for about the last 4/5 months when having sex it has been hurting me deep inside. So much so I’ve had to tell my husband to stop . I have also been bleeding afterwards , it lasts for about a day .. without sounding disgusting or giving to much info it isn’t a red blood like you’d have when having a period. It a lot darker and thicker. The other night we both wanted sex and half way through it started hurting, I could tell he knew because I was crying. He asked if I was ok and I told him I was feeling a lot of pain. He carried on and started to go a lot faster which in my mind I thought he must have thought if he goes faster it will be over quicker for me. If that makes sense! The thing is it hurt like mad, I screamed out and said to stop because it really was painful. But he carried on, I tried to push him away but he said afterwards that he was ‘in the moment’ and didn’t hear me say stop .. afterwards I had a shower and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I feel such a failure and I’m so embarrassed that I can’t even please my husband sexually. We have 2 children and we would eventually like another child. My question is how can this happen with me hurting , why am I hurting when I never have done before? I’m far to embarrassed to go to the doctors and talk about it with him.
Please help


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