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Hi private post please. So the last few weeks my 5yo son has been really diffic…

Hi private post please.
So the last few weeks my 5yo son has been really difficult, rude, full of tantrums, etc. He goes through these phases every now and then and has done since like forever so it’s not a new phase but obviously each time he goes through it he’s a bit older and therefore things that worked the last time don’t necessarily work this time. So tonight he’s been so rude and difficult at bedtime (holding onto the banister so I couldn’t get him upstairs, screaming ‘aaaaahhhhhh’ over and over and over at the top of his voice, calling me a stupid idiot, all the standard tantrum stuff). Anyway, I usually lie with him for a bit before sleep and we have a chat, play on the iPad, watch a programme or whatever but when he’s like this I say I’m not as he’s been so naughty so I just try give him a kiss (he refuses in this mood) say ‘nun night, love you, see you in the morning’. Then as he’s worked up from the tantrum he usually screams/cries for a bit then gives up and goes to sleep when he realises he’s not getting any attention for it (reward the good, ignore the bad is the general approach I’ve always taken). Anyway, tonight he’s shouting about his great grandad who died a few months ago, I can hear him saying ‘please give me him back, i need him back from heaven’ over and over. He’s not actually crying just shouting it, like wailing. I don’t know what to do, I usually just blank bad behaviour but obviously I feel awful ignoring this as it’s about his grandad. He’s currently at the top of the stairs shouting it so I can hear. I know it’s for attention but I feel terrible as it’s really pulling my heart strings 😞 what would you do? Please no bashing x


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