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Hiya can i have a private post please I don’t no people would do in my position,…

Hiya can i have a private post please I don’t no people would do in my position, my mil is controlling to say the least over my now ex partner she believes she should come first above everyone and when we split made sure he wouldn’t come back to me. I got took to hospital with a threat to our baby (I’m 30 weeks) and got told my heart rate and the babys heartrate was concerning and they needed me to be monitored for 24 hours because I have had a previous stillbirth to a placenta abruption and they didn’t no if this was a warning sign of another. She sent my daughters dad to the shop and phoned asking what was goin on (they had our 1 year old) I told her and got upset because of the place I was were I lost my son alone and I was upset he hadnt come. She decided to tell my daughters dad id phoned telling her the babys OK I’m ok I’m jus tired and there keeping me in for rest. When he said he was coming up to see me she told him he couldn’t she needed him to get our daughter settled (even though she was bathed ready for bed and Gos straight down with a bottle) so he had to leave me alone. The day after he told her he was goin getting our daughter breakfast and coming down to c me. She phoned and told me he said he wasn’t running down to the hospital after me and that she couldn’t have our daughter anyway because she was busy going selling her car. That was 3 weeks ago she’s Stil got it an when I got home from the hospital she’d posted pics Al day of her with my daughter so it was all rubbish. The hospital have said if I’m willing to I can be admitted for the rest of the pregnancy wich is a minimum of 6 weeks I said no and told them that iv been put on strict bed rest and told to limit what I do lifting and carrying my daughter. Whenever my ex comes to my house she messeges or sends his cousin up to tell him to come homeor tells him she needs him at home to do something for her. Iv bit my tongue she’s also booked tickets for nights out for him so many times noin anything can happen including over Christmas noin I’ll be at the point I lost my son so want to be in hospital and now can’t because she’s paid over 70 pound telling him he has to go. Today he’s phoned asking to take his daughter out I said yes he said give him a hour or so he’s got to clean his mums for her to come and he will message when to drop her of I waited for two hours a hour past my daughters nap time so she was getting ratty and throwing herself about only to get a phone call to say he’s not allowed her. I said are you takin the piss he’s 24 it’s our daughter iv been waiting for two hours and she’s now beyond tired because I thought he could phone at any point so didn’t put her down and I had to go shopping. With a no overly tired baby who is impossible to hold carry when she’s in that mood anyway. He said his mums turned round and said he’s not having her because she wants him to come and lift some thingd up at the horses and to tell me not to drop her of. I said to him do u no how ridiculous that is we arranged this hours ago and she’d not mentioned it until he said I was coming. He told he he had to help her. If he doesn’t he will have all his stuff dumped on my doorstep and get kicked out I can’t bare it anymore and don’t no what to do about her. She’s unbelievable has anyone had this sort of thing before how did u manage it?


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