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Hiya could I have a ppp? I don’t know if it’s my hormones or I’m over reacting….

Hiya could I have a ppp?

I don’t know if it’s my hormones or I’m over reacting..

Basically other half has gone out again tonight..

Both little ones are ill (2yrs and 8weeks) and have been for past few days now.

We’re in our overdraft too so he’s spending money we don’t have.

Since the little one’s been born he’s been going out more, no interest in me at all, kicking off over small things, moaning when the little ones crying all night (has cmpa and reflux so it can be extreme crying) on his phone constantly rather than talking to me and generally very distant.

As he left both kids were crying as they’re ill and obviously uncomfortable.
Youngest is very chesty and I’ve already told him I’m quite worried with how young she is. He says as he leaves “call me if you need me” but I’ve already told him I need him? Am I right to be annoyed?


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