Mums Advice

General advice from parent to parent

10 thoughts on “Hiya I was wondering if you mommies can tell if this is some kinda birthmark. It…

  • Strawberry birthmarks notmally grow and become raised. I had one on my eye showed up after i was born it eventually covered my whole eye, faded out as i got older x

  • Strawberry mark 😁 all my girls had them, pressure marks from being born. They’re usually over the eyes, forehead or back of the head also x

  • Yeh my daughter has the same but her hair is in the way as long now so can’t see it x

  • yes my daughter had exactly the same , they called it a stork mark x hers faded and can’t even see it now x

  • Yup it is, me my two daughters and my family members all have the same mark, same place lol xx

  • Might be a strawberry mark. My son had it and it’s nearly gone now he’s 2 and a half x


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