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How A Sty Nearly Killed Me!!!

**Some of these photos are not very pleasant** After a discussion with my consultants I’ve decided to raise awareness to what happens to me and also publicly thank the doctors, consultants and nurses at Northwick hospital.. 

on June 26th I picked a sty on my eye, went to bed, by 5am I woke feeling poorly, so poorly I text my doctor, completely unaware how seriously ill I had become, as you will see in the photos my face had swollen quite badly, this then continued to grow and over the course of a few hours- I became completely Unrecognisable, I sent a photo to my gp who immediately sent me to hospital, I was then taken by ambulance to another hospital, The next few hours can only be described as petrifying – Meanwhile I’m being sick, have no feeling in my fingers and toes and my temp is 42 !! 

When we arrive at Northwick Park hospital a quick thinking doctor takes a photo of me and runs this to a consultant who at the time is in surgery, he immediately leaves and comes to see me, I’m given a CT scan and taken into surgery. 

What I didn’t know is behind the eye is a tube ( I don’t know the medical name/term for this) and this leads straight to the brain… my infection was across my face and behind my eye… I was very close to brain damage, blindness and death. 

These quick thinking doctors saved my life… things could have been so different. 

The several anaesthetists who rushed me into surgery, the infection consultant, the facial surgeon, the night doctors, night nurses who changed my intravenous drip every hour on the hour, ( I had three, all three had two antibiotics drips) the hourly checks with my eye, temp and bloods. When they say nurses are over worked and unpaid. This is an understatement!!!!! 

This was such a scary experience and I wouldn’t want anyone to have to go through this… please don’t pick stys, spots, anything ( these things lead to cellulitis/ bacteria meningitis) please don’t wait to call a doctor or get things checked out, life can me cut very short, very quickly.

I will be forever grateful to all the doctors I have seen, everyone who works at the GREY ward in Northwick Park hospital!!! I can’t thank you enough from the bottom of my and my family heart. 

To all my Danny, sister, to both our families and friends who have shown me so much love and support… your kindness and love has been truly extraordinary, I’ve been blown away by you all. 

Tell people you love them, be kind and have no regrets. ❤️ 

I am going to make a full recovery and already feel back my normal self.. and posting ;-))))) haha! 

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