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I need some advice about miss 4yo… she is constantly screaming and throwing ta…

I need some advice about miss 4yo… she is constantly screaming and throwing tantrums. She won’t get dressed it takes me atleast 30 minutes to dress her while she kicks and screams at me. I even try and let her pick out what she wants to wear but it doesn’t work.
She sooks and whines doesn’t eat her food, constantly kicks and screams at me and her brother. Breaks things if I say no . I’m scared to put her in the naughty corner anymore because she put a hole in my wall .
She screams at me for food and when I give it to her she fights me and screams more because she doesn’t want it anymore
Bed time is the worst of all it takes her 3 hours or more to stop fighting me and be quiet so I can calm her .. I have had a routine since she was 1
-4 songs a story and kisses and cuddles then goodnight
But for weeks now she has just been screaming and fighting with me on everything
It’s getting the point now where I just cry all the time and I’m uptight and tired and just fed up
As I’m typing this she has thrown 3 tantrums for 3 seperate things … I’m at a loss of what to do … HELP ME !!!


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