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is there any chance of a post im not a mum yet but im 30weeks pregnant … i jus…

is there any chance of a post im not a mum yet but im 30weeks pregnant … i just want a bit of advice really ..

anyway im 30weeks pregnant and feel really low just sit here crying for no reason just feeling very frustrated over nothing over thinking thing and really insecure evan to the point i feel like a woman at work is trying to get in my partners pants & because of how im feeling i cant determine if what im seeing as “flirting” is from both sides or just hers.

is it normal to feel like this when pregnant & if anyone has felt like this, am i going to feel this crap till Labour??

i was and emotional wreck at about 13weeks pregnant but did not feel insecure then.

sorry if its not allowed just dont want to go to family dont want them to think im been stupid


2 thoughts on “is there any chance of a post im not a mum yet but im 30weeks pregnant … i jus…

  • It could just be hormones, but if it’s been going on a while or carries on it may be worth speaking to your gp or midwife everyone focuses on postnatal depression but antenatal depression can be just as bad, there’s lots they can do to help☺xxx

  • I would go and speak to someone as could be prenatal depression! I would go and ask what the doctors can do to help you xxx


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