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Myths And Truths Of Breastfeeding

🤱Whether you have chosen to / are able to breast feed or bottle feed let us start by saying we respect you just for loving your baby!

Outdated advice and misinformation is deterring mums from breastfeeding and making them feel like they are doing something wrong.

So…for the breastfeeding Mummas among you please see the below myth vs truth and feel free to message us for any advice!

❌MYTH❌ Babies feed every 3 hours on the hour!

âś…TRUTHâś… Babies usually feed between every 2 and 4 hours however, it is not unusual for babies to feed more often, almost constantly in fact, during a growth spurt or to boost your milk supply.

❌MYTH❌ If your baby still seems hungry after a feed you should feed them a bottle.

âś…TRUTHâś… Giving your baby a bottle after a feed could deplete your milk supply and could hinder your latch in the early weeks. If your baby has lost a certain % of body weight then your midwife may recommend supplementing with a bottle.

❌MYTH❌ Babies should sleep through the night once they are eating solid food.

âś…TRUTHâś… It is perfectly normal for infants, breastfed or not, to wake up in the night for a feed or comfort.

❌MYTH❌Breastfeeding is easy for everyone.

âś…TRUTHâś… It all goes swiftly for some Mummas but for others there can be a minefield of issues from a shallow latch, tongue ties, a baby with a bubble pallet, low milk supply, and much much more. So think before you label a Mumma as a quitter! And in fact…some Mum’s just don’t want to breastfeed and frankly…that is nobody elses business 🤷‍♀️

EDIT : To echo the words of the inspiring lady below…It is indeed a myth that every woman is able to exclusively breastfeed! For those that can’t it does not have to be all or nothing! See pic in comments of Ella using an amazing system that allows her to both breastfeed and supplement at the same time. đź’›




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