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Please can I have a private post? I couldn’t get pregnant for two years and thi…

Please can I have a private post?

I couldn’t get pregnant for two years and this year I had IVF and it worked but I ended up miscarrying. Since then I got pregnant twice more and lost them too. Now I’m pregnant for the fourth time and I’m trying my best to stay calm about it and just see what happens this time.

All this has happened in the last ten months and my husband and I are generally good but we have had a few arguments over this year as I moved hours away from my friends and family to be here in his home town and while this has all gone on I’ve felt very lonely and angry with his family for not showing me any support, some family members who he has a great relationship and I thought I did too, haven’t even acknowledged what’s been going on and I find it very unsupportive and lonely. According to him, they just don’t know what to say…

This has caused a bit of tension between us and when I found out I was pregnant this time he immediately said he won’t be telling anyone till I get to twelve weeks. I’ve lost all three babies before then so if it happens again I’ll have to suffer on my own with no one local to support me. All I would really want is a text to say sorry it’s happened or someone to call in for a cup of tea or something. I don’t need a lot of help, just would be nice to feel someone round here cared about me.

Anyway when he said he’s not telling anyone I got really pissed off as I know it’s cos he doesn’t want me to feel let down but I feel he’s doing it so I can’t be annoyed with them for not acknowledging what’s going on but that leaves me once again with no one around during what has been the worst time of my life.

I got so pissed off while he was trying to argue about keeping this one a secret and I was shouting at him to leave me alone. He was shouting at me which he has never done before and wouldn’t just leave the room and after things had calmed down I told him he can’t speak to me like that ten mins after I just found out I’m pregnant. He went really argumentative again which is usual for him, I know it’s really stressful for him too. But the thing is, i don’t have a lot a sympathy for what he’s been through as I have been through the same and all the physical side too. I’ve basically been either pregnant or miscarrying for ten months straight A’s I’ve been getting pregnant almost instantly between losing them.

So my question is. How much sympathy should I have for him cos at the moment I just don’t feel any. And should I tell him that I can’t keep doing this with no support around me (apart from him, who is generally good but not good at asking his family to be a little more thoughtful towards me) and that I want to move back to where my friends and family are from as for all we know there is more of this to come?

I just don’t know what to do and having him suddenly getting argumentative with me and not seeming to understand you’re not supposed to upset a pregnant woman is really starting to piss me off and make me resent him.

Any advice would be helpful, thank you x


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