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Pp got a big issue that I think I really need to do something about so my partne…

Pp got a big issue that I think I really need to do something about so my partner went out last night but he left the house at 2pm after sleeping in till 1pm yesterday he rolled in the house at 5am. We had an argument about money and the Fact that he shouldn’t go out because this is what he did dissapiers all day and night with no form of contact at all not even a text. It happens monthly sometimes he doesn’t even come home very rare that he does 😓 sometimes he can spend £200 sometimes he can spend £50 like last night the more money he had the longer he will stay out basically….I just can’t cope with it anymore and as soon as he mentions going out I flip because I know what happens. I work hard aswell and I deserve a break but no had the kids all day yesterday and now today and all week as it’s half term 😒 I’m pregnant with baby number 3 and feel as if I need to out a stop to this ones and for all. We have a joint tenancy and he pays the rent so throwing him out just won’t work. Plus when he doesn’t do this he is amazing and also really embarrassing when he’s been drinking like this he will wet the bed it’s just not fair what can I do😒


3 thoughts on “Pp got a big issue that I think I really need to do something about so my partne…

  • Tell him it’s affecting you and how you feel and could he may even go out once a month. Maybe suggest doing things at home. A nice meal, get him some beers etc. If the relationship is more good thanks bad then focus on fixing the bad but if it’s more bad than good then think further afield. You already have 2 kids with 1 on the way.

  • Oh i know the feeling!!!!
    Was told would be here by 3am guess what still waiting!!!

  • If hevis hsnging the day get dress makwsure kids r feed and go up wake him and say am away out nt sure I b bk c u go out the door in. The car if u have one and go dnt answer fone then go bk and if he say anything just says
    nt nice is it and get on with it mybe he think b4 he goes outagain and if nt have a think if u really want to stay with him


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