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Pp please. Okay long story short. I was with my partner 8 years he left me this…

Pp please. Okay long story short. I was with my partner 8 years he left me this year in may weeks after the birth of our 3rd child. I was heartbroken when he left I begged for him to come home, I drove to his mums home where he lives and begged him cried to his mum and anyone who’d listen to me but he was having none of it and just told me he didn’t want me anymore he wasn’t in love anymore. Obviously there was nothing I could do and things were very sour between us for a few months.

Now a days he pops up to my house to help with dinner bath and bed some nights and then he goes home again most days I don’t hear much from him but sometimes I get texts like ‘maybe we should get married’ ‘maybe we should get back together’ and it just messes with my head! He stayed the other night ( to see how things could be between us)and then he kept saying in a jokingly way ‘oh this doesn’t mean I want you’ I mean who’d want you’ and then carried on saying ‘oh I could never live here again I love my own space this is to much chaos’ and then at 10am got his coat and went home and since then I’ve had texts saying reasons why we’d never work but he’s never got the balls to just say look I don’t want you or a family cause deep down I don’t think he does he’s just keep me as an option. I just need some ideas and tips how to get over him completely? I’m in a better place than I was before he left but I keep hoping one day we’re get back together and be a great family again but deep down I know he doesn’t really want that, I don’t make him happy and anytime I walk past my phone I press to see if anyone has text me I always hope he has cause maybe that means he’s thinking about me? It’s so pathetic and sad I know but I just feel sad as he was the man I had my kids with, was going to marry have a mortgage with etc I never in a million years thought I’d be a single mum and he’d have left me xx


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