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Ppp Adhd/Autism Mum’s how do you cope? My son is being tested for adhd and aut…

Mum’s how do you cope?
My son is being tested for adhd and autism and I really can’t cope with his mood swings. I dread the school run, as everytime he always has a episode and it end with him screaming. Today he’s had a tantrum 3 times and I’ve ended up in tears. Everything always ends up as a argument with him. All I want is a relaxing walk just giggles and chatting about his day. All I want is 1 family outing without a outburst. I seem to want to lock myself away everyday crying craving just a happy family, cuddles and laughs with my little boy but it’s just hard work. No matter what I say or do nothing works. I get judgemental looks by mothers at school and some of the kids don’t want to play with my son as he’s so disruptive. Is it wrong just wanting a happy cheerful life with my family. He’s always so angry and I feel like I’m failing as a mum. I have a history of self harm and depression and I feel like a total failure as a mum and not coping well Some days I don’t want to even go outta the house. Please help anything will be helpful I just don’t know what to do anymore I really feel like throwing in the towel and giving up. Please no harsh comments I’m at breaking point as it is tia x


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