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Ppp. I am currently on the pill. Came off it for a while. Started it again and …


I am currently on the pill. Came off it for a while. Started it again and realised how moody amd down i feel on it. Also low sex drive. I need to be on it.
Anyone found any other contraception better? I was thinking of trying the mini pill


2 thoughts on “Ppp. I am currently on the pill. Came off it for a while. Started it again and …

  • The coil was best for my moods as I’m quite angry and moody anyway (didn’t change My mood attal) did cause me pain quite often but could be different for you 😊

  • I have the copper coil lasts 10 years no hormone so no side effects. U name it I have tried it an this is the only thing I’ve had no problems with x


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