Ppp Need a bit of advice as getting abit concerned and frustrated… my daughte…
Need a bit of advice as getting abit concerned and frustrated… my daughter is 8 months old and is normally a very good eater… she normally eats anything you give her but was really poorly over the weekend with sickness and diarrhoea and was totally off her food and milk she would only eat crisps bread sticks biscuits and rice cakes (the bad stuff)…. now the sickness and diarrhoea has stop her last lot was yesterday early afternoon… today she seems back to her normal self except the eating everything I give her she is refusing but I know if I gave her the crisp bread sticks biscuits and rice cakes she would eat them but she can’t just live of them all the time… so the help I’m needing is… has anyone else babies/kids had this and how long did it take them to get back into eating proper food again…. please no nasty comments I’m just a concerned mum xx
Can you reply to Jodie please
Because my daughter was in special care when she was born due to health reasons her weight and height has been constantly watched since by dieticians and paediatricians so if they see her weight gaining hasn’t been very good I’ll be made to feel like a bad parent… when it’s drummed in your head all the time that my daughter is under weight for her height and age you can’t help but panic when she stops eating🙈🙈
My daughter is a picky eater and will refuse most meals. Just keep trying and if she’s hungry she will eat. try not to worry. My daughter sometimes only has a few spoons of food for lunch and that’s all she wants. I feel like she’s starving but she’s not. Happy and content xxx
Just remember no child ever ever starved itself to death. She will eat when she’s ready
It can take a few days or maybe a week to find her appetite again xx