Mums Advice

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PPP. Need to have a rant about mum. How can i tell her to back off. I’ve tried b…

PPP. Need to have a rant about mum. How can i tell her to back off. I’ve tried been nice about it but she won’t listen,. I have 2 kids and she’s very obsessed with me. I know people will say shes your mum and how can you speak about her like that. To put it nicely she’s a nightmare. She has a full week off work and thinks she can ruin my plans even thought i’cve told her im busy this morning. I woke up at 7am to a message like this, what time are you going out, how long are you going to be, who are you going with and what time is he at work, on about my partner. all i said was out for a few hours and he;s at work at 12.30, she accused me of having a go. she doesnt bother with my sister at all but she’s always wanting to be here. 4 years ago she took me to court over my eldest and told lots of lies about me. i was in a very controlling and abusive relationship then and she didnt understand, she still uses court on me to this day, if i do something she doesn’t like she’ll threaten me with court. she works but inbetween that she comes to mine sits on her phone and just ignores everyone. the other day while she was here i asked if she could watch my daughter for 2 mins while i took the bin out i came back to hear crying and that my daughter had fallen over because she was on her phone. iv’e tried asking her nicely to back off and to come a few times a week but she wont listen. ive recently found out she has not paid the mortgage of where she is and shes had people banging on her door, shes lied to everyone about bills and when she gets paid from work doesnt use it wisely then comes crying to me for help and i cant always help her cos i have 2 kids, my partner is on a low income so we still struggle. really need some friendly advice


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