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Ppp, really struggling to deal with my partner during the week! My partner is …

Ppp, really struggling to deal with my partner during the week! 😁😁😁
My partner is a lovely guy at the weekends, he’s everything I want in a partner, but the last 3 months since we have been living together have been extremely tough for me.
He works long hours and he’s a hard worker I don’t doubt that, but his moods during the week are that bad it’s starting to bring me down. He makes me feel really unloved and it’s like trodden on egg shells a lot of the time with him. I cook for him, clean for him etc and try my best to keep him happy but during the week it’s impossible.
I struggle with mental health problems anyway, and have an appointment to hopefully get a higher doze of the medication I’m on because I’m starting to get really depressed over this. I’ve spoke to him about his moods and he agrees that they are bad but then Monday rolls around and it continues.
I don’t really know what I’m asking, just if other people have the same problems and whether I’m to just grin and bare it or any tips on ways to deal with it a bit better.


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