PPP? So this is weird and maybe a little crazy but I’m wondering if someone wen…
So this is weird and maybe a little crazy but I’m wondering if someone went a full 9 months without knowing they were pregnant and pregnancy tests come out negative.
I gave birth about 8 months ago and after I had him I was having sex before I got birth control (implanon) and the whole time I’ve been having feeling of my belly moving or kick feeling and I was told it was phantom kicks but I don’t believe it anymore. The other day my husband told me my belly was getting round like how I was when I was pregnant (but I have been gaining weight) and now today is where it gets weird for me. TWICE I swear I had contractions today. And if you think about it if I got pregnant after I had my first baby I could be close to having the baby in this scenario. What does every one else think? Am I crazy? 🤔