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PPPxx I think i mght be miscarring, ive had the implant in for a year now, ble…

PPPxx I think i mght be miscarring, ive had the implant in for a year now, bled for the first 6 months now my periods are quite light and only last days, recently my partner told me hes cheated on me… more than once and my heads a mess, ive been bleeding reall havily for 2 weeks and there have been blood clots, ive been havig bad pains that come and go and the last 2 daysive had like a more browny blood, to scared to take a test, is this normal on the implant? xx


2 thoughts on “PPPxx I think i mght be miscarring, ive had the implant in for a year now, ble…

  • Yes I had no period for 3 months bad cramps sore breast and bloated. Took a test was negative. Carried on bleeding for 2 weeks heavy with big clots and went brownish towards the end. Went doctors and was told it was normal, just 3 months worth coming all at once. I would go to the doctors and tell them what’s been going on they can give medication for the heavy bleeding but the side affects put me off 😊 x


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