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Private post please Can I talk? I need to just talk My relationship is in tat…

Private post please

Can I talk? I need to just talk 😞

My relationship is in tatters. It’s in the gutter and I’ve got home from work and I can’t stop crying.

We are so distant that there is barely anything left. Its awful 😞 I love him so much but I’ve got trapped in a shit situation because I am so so so so frustrated. I feel nothing I say gets heard. Nothing I say makes him change anything.

We are at this terrible place where we are constantly bickering and arguing. I am hurt and emotional and I want him to see that. To think….wow she’s upset or angry…and ask me why…and to care. He doesn’t ask….but i tell him anyway. But it’s the typical situation that i want to be heard. I ‘ve frustrated and I tell him…amd he backs off. Rather than confront it and ask or converse….he thinks….shes pissed off so I’ll stay away. Every time we talk be hangs up. All he sends is texts that until i speak to him and just ask him how his day is etc….to not bother calling? But I’m hurt?! If I start to talk.about anything deep he says he can’t handle it? He seems to just want easy going but that seems to include me not contacting him and if I do he just blanks me and the rowing starts again cos I don’t know why he does it? 😞

He doesn’t take my calls barely….doesnt respond to texts for hours….goes on whattsap and doesn’t look at my messages. He’s not very contactable…i get frustrated. I ring to say hi…then get blanked for hours and after 2 years my nerves are shot with it all. Is it so hard to change some small things? Yes he’s clearly fed up hey. And so am I.

He says he loves and thing a have to rebuild. But HOW CAN I REBUILD anything when I can’t even get past the fact that I ring him and he blanks me for 4 hours?? Its hell. I know men hide from drama….im old enough to know that not all of them want deep conversations too…..but.i can’t move on with this if all he does is blank me and want shallow conversation. I am so so hurt 😞 I’m banging my head on a brick wall.

He sent me a text at 1pm. I replied asking him something….and he’s not even read it. Every day is the same at the moment and we are galaxies apart? What can I do if I can’t communicate with him. He seems to want to be left alone….until he next wants to resume. Argh needed to vent xxx 😞


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