Mums Advice

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What To Do If Your Tyre Blows Out

Public safety announcement
I want to share something important with you all. Today, I had a very scary and narrow escape. At 70 (ish) mph in lane 3 on the motorway, I had a blowout on my front near side tyre.

Apparently, the natural reaction in these circumstances is to brake. I didn’t. Thank goodness. Something in my subconscious reminded me of a conversation I’d had with my dad when I was about 18 – about what you should do if it ever happens to you… So, I am going to share the advice with you too – it might save your life. If this ever happens to you, firstly stay calm. Grab the wheel as hard as you can (it’ll feel like you’re driving an out of control washing machine on a crazy spin cycle) WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T BRAKE and try and steer the vehicle to the side of the road (avoiding other cars if possible). Braking hard at this speed could cause your vehicle to somersault…. Get out of vehicle, get to a safe place, apply hazards and call assistance.

Bit long winded for me, I know – but if this advice helps you too one day, I’m happy with that. Stay safe x that’s all xx Oh, and thanks dad Alan – see, I was listening!


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