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Why I Still Breastfeed My 4 Year Old

This is the latest COMMENT I got after saying I BF my 4 year-old. I’d like to share with you my response, in case you ever come across it too in your BF journey…

I said I BREASTFEED my 4 year-old and I was told:

“If a 4-year-old child STILL looks for the BREAST, she is obviously LACKING something ”

I agree, TOTALLY.☺️

LET ME tell you just WHAT, is lacking in my child’s life:

The FORCING to wean is lacking.

The imposition to stop is lacking.

She lacks two parents who want to DETACH her at all costs.

She lacks a mother who feels cheated of her autonomy as a modern woman.

She is lacking PERMANENT teeth:

milk teeth = authorisation to be an infant. 🤗

She lacked years spent sucking a rubber PACIFIER.

She lacked a bottle of chamomile to calm her night CRIES.

Vitamin supplements are lacking.

She lacks an entourage , UNPREPARED to defend and support the mother, against the weight of social pressure that pushes her to abandon breastfeeding.

INSECURITY and low self-esteem are also NOT THERE.

She lacks the URGENCY to stop.

She lacks the GROWTH milk.

AND, she lacks a family surrounded by bad advisers.😉

A mother breastfeeding an “older” child is often considered a SELFISH mother, who cannot detach from her little one, who does not want to let go, who does not stimulate autonomy, who spoils, oppresses.

A mother who breastfeeds for a long time is treated as if she is doing something illegal and so she operates quietly, stealthily, as a thief.

She is considered EXCESSIVE, an exhibitionist even.

She feels alone, but I want to shout to each one of you that NO, you are NOT alone!!!!

You are warriors mothers, following a natural mammalian INSTINCT that modernity is trying to wrest us away from.

You deserve to walk with your heads UP and your tits in the WIND, because from those nipples Love and nourishment for your little one flows.

Among a thousand hardships, so many ups and downs, turbulent nights,

sweaty summer feedings,

unlikely positions,

pointed fingers,

curious looks,

unhappy comments,

shapeless t-shirts and

tested breasts…

BREASTFEEDING is and always will be a great gift we can give ourselves, our children and the whole world.


Credit: Stefanie Giraldi

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