Woman Stop Degrading Yourselves
Woman stop degrading yourself
Is it just me that finds this new tradition clearly invented by the male population, steak and blow job day really quite revolting and cringeworthy?
I’m sick of hearing about it, sick of seeing women degrade themselves over it on social media with stupid hash tags and awful photos of an over cooked piece of meat with some added emojis implying what will be happening later in the bedroom and equally as sick of men salivating over the prize they get to go home too which in reality will be a poorly cooked cheap Aldi own tough slice of beef and a wet willy and a choking woman who is wishing you would hurry up and cum so she can watch her soaps, she is not sucking you off because she loves you, she’s worried if she doesn’t you will find it else where.
Also I’m wondering when us woman get a special day like pick up and lick up, when men tidy up and then give us immense pleasure without us having to anything in return, this day will never happen, I say let’s all stop with this meat cooking and sucking and grow the hell up, and if you really feel the need to tenderise his meat joint keep it to yourself I really don’t want to hear about your lack of cooking skills and your poor gag reflex. Rant over
Written by Christine Joseph
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