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Could I get a private post please? My long term relationship broke down a few mo…

Could I get a private post please?
My long term relationship broke down a few months ago and since then I’ve met someone else. In the past year, I’ve slept with three different people (my ex, an old friend on a night out and the guy I’m now seeing). The past few times I’ve had sex, I’ve started bleeding no long afterwards. It starts off as a medium type of flow, bright red and then slows down within a couple of hours and is pink in colour. Within 24 hours, the bleeding would have stopped.
Originally I just put it down to rough sex but I’ve had a couple of other problems which are leading me to believe otherwise.
Other ‘symptoms’ include bleeding between periods – slightly heavier than spotting but not enough for a pad/tampon and usually pink in colour, stomach cramps like period pains but randomly throughout my whole cycle, needing to go for a number 2 comes on VERY sudden and is extremely painful until I can get to a bathroom, and I’m also losing a lot of watery discharge which is occasionally pinky orange in colour.
I’m definitely NOT pregnant – I’ve already checked and I will be making an appointment with my GP first thing on Monday but I’m just wondering whether anyone else has had similar or the same symptoms and could tell me what it could possible be? I refuse to google it for obvious reasons.

*Extra info – I’m under 25 so haven’t had a cervical screening yet and I’ve had three children.


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