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Could I have a ppp? I don’t know really where to start….but I find myself cry…

Could I have a ppp?
I don’t know really where to start….but I find myself crying as I’m writing this post;
I have a beautiful daughter and I’m pregnant with my 2nd; these last few weeks have been pretty rough on me as my lo is unwell and we have had many nights awake where she cries and can’t seem to settle;
I’m beyond tired and my oh sleeps in a separate room and shuts the door so he doesn’t have to hear her cry;
Today I have felt so ill that I made him look after our child while I tried to rest and feel better….
My mother had a fight with me earlier calling me selfish for trying to rest and has said that just because I’m pregnant I’m neglecting my first born!!!! I love my child more than life itself…I have one day where I needed to rest because I’m so worn out and emotional and I get called a bad parent and that I’m neglecting my child!! There is more to this story but now I can’t sleep…she is fed, clothed, loved, played with but my mother’s comments have hurt me and is making me doubt myself as a mother
I haven’t neglected my child at all…she has been with me when my Oh needed to do something and it’s really upset me; all because I wanted to rest! Tia


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