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Hi can I please get an anon post ?….. Me and my partner have been together 7 y…

Hi can I please get an anon post ?…..
Me and my partner have been together 7 years and have two beautiful children together our first was fast and we quickly moved in together he lied a lot and was playing me and a few girls at the same time when we first started dating which I was unaware of until after I had my children , he stopped when he found out I was pregnant though but over the years I’ve found dating site profiles emails , subscription fees etc
Which he Denys Denys Denys than just over a year ago a girl contact me and said they were having an Instagram relationship and he was cardless cashing her money on multiple occasions he played it down to just chatting but the girl says otherwise , I stayed but never got over it I’ve become very jealous and don’t want him going out to clubs without me in fear of him cheating , he’s also very unaffectionate and has narcissistic quality’s that’s only fully emerged after I became pregnant , he demands food cleaning and if it’s not immediately the psychological abuse is so extreme I’ve lost myself I feel so worthless things like “your a worthless mother “ “ what do you do all day “ etc he never helps me with the children and thinks working is where his responsibilities stop 🛑, we bicker and fight 24/7 and I always end up crying n upset and it’s like it never afffects him last week he agreed to go to couples counselling and suddenly tonight he has said we are too toxic for each other and he’s not happy being held down being a father and partner and he wants his life and freedom I’m
An emotional
Mess and I don’t know what to think or do has anyone been through something similar and can give me some advice thank you


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