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Hi, could I have a private post please. I just want to know if you think I’m in…

Hi, could I have a private post please.
I just want to know if you think I’m in the wrong or not as I don’t feel like I am.
My mum comes round to my house every day, uninvited, sometimes just lets herself in (she has a key for emergencies) and I understand that partly it’s to see my lg but I think most of it is cause she doesn’t want to be stuck in her house all the time.
Anyway she came round the other day and I told her that she doesn’t need to come round every day and she said she does so I told her that she really doesn’t but I’m guessing she just assumed I was joking cause she continued to just come round as and when she pleased. Forward to today and I’ve text her and told her not to come around and she asked why so I’ve just told her that she doesn’t need to come round every day and that I told her that the other day, anyway she’s now in a mood and probably going to stay that way for a while but am I in the wrong for not wanting her round every single day, for just wanting some days to be just me and my daughter or me my daughter and my partner?

Tia x


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