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Hi was just after a bit of advice… so I’ve been working asda (deli counters) s…

Hi was just after a bit of advice… so I’ve been working asda (deli counters) since September. About a month or 2 into me working me and my daughter caught a sickness and diarrhoea bug I felt bad for calling in sick but I was ill and my daughter also needed me to tend to her needs. This was all fine when I went back, was only off for the one day I just filled some forms in and all was fine….
Anyhow since since Xmas day me and my family have been extremely poorly with a Flu, and by flu I don’t just mean a cold I mean extremely poorly.
I worked last Wednesday and I felt so ill, our team leader saw how I’ll I was I was coughing that much I was sick and also lost control over my bladder, I was in a right state. The next day I was due to go to work but I felt as bad as I did before I phoned to speak to my boss and explained how bad I was her reply was “if you don’t come in you’ll loose your job” which to my dismay I was totally anxious and scarred about loosing my job and I was actually going to go in as I didn’t want to loose my job. Later on in the day I began coughing blood which obviously scared me so my partner demanded I saw my GP who said I was very poorly and unfit for work I have a sick note….
So phone my work back up and speak to manager who says even though I have a sick note I will still loose my job as HR will see it as 2 absences.
I was under the impression the probation period is for 12 weeks which the first absence would be classed in but I’ve been there 15 weeks now so this illness wouldn’t come under the probation would it? Any help I would be so grateful, it’s so unfortunate I’ve got this as I quite enjoy the job but I’ve got to say this flu is the worst thing by far I gave ever experienced never felt so I’ll…..


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