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Home could I have a private post please. Sorry about long post but I’m at a loss…

Home could I have a private post please. Sorry about long post but I’m at a loss where to turn.
My son is nearly 3 and I am really struggling to deal with his behaviour. I know 3 year olds are mischievous but I feel like he’s worse than other children his age. Every day I feel like crying and have no support other than well it’s his age he’ll grow out of it. He can be the most adorable boy ever bit it feels rare. He never listens to what me or his dad ask him. He’s forever doing things he knows he shouldn’t and even when stopped will return to doing it straight away constantly. He has horrible tempers and will hit and kick us and screams for ages. He always bites his older brother for no reason. He cannot stay still ever not even to go to the toilet he has to fidget. We’ve tried explaining to him what he does is naughty. We’ve tried taking toys away, naughty step, putting him in his room, ignoring the behaviour. Nothing has any impact on him. I’ve tried talking to the health visitor and she basically wasn’t interested. It feels like he’s deliberately going against us. He was born 13 weeks prem and I’m wondering now if this is affecting his behaviour? He’s very smart for his age and has caught up and surpassed in his development. I was wondering if anyone had any experience of these things or know if the gp would be able to offer any advice? I’m worried becuase he’s still young everyone will keep dismissing me. I love him to bits but really need help managing his behaviour.


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