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If You’re Worried To Go Into Labour At This Time

If You're Worried To Go Into Labour At This Time

If You're Worried To Go Into Labour At This Time

It’s not like me to post something quite this personal but I’ve had a few messages over the last few days and I dont blame any of you! I wish I had had some reassurance last week before going in to have Ruby. Labour and birth is scary enough on it’s own without the added worry of covid19 and being in hospitals and the worry of being alone. I had so many panick attacks and meltdowns and I kept hearing horror stories of the Gwent being over run and other hospitals which couldnt cope.

So 28th March at 9am I went in to be induced and I had to go alone. My body was far too stressed and worried to go into labour naturally. Paul had to wait in the car and eventually I sent him home as it was taking longer than I thought. The midwife who was seeing to me was amazing. I had to wear a mask anytime she came near me to do my blood pressure, bloods etc. The ward was quiet and easily managed. The cleaner was bleaching all the floors and cleaning constantly. It sucked that Paul couldnt just come in with me to keep me company but it wasnt scary at all.

My contractions started almost immediately but I was allowed to go home so i was more relaxed and had Paul’s company during early labour. 3pm I was back down the gwent. Paul wasnt allowed in with me. So we called up and 2 midwives came down to the door to meet me and brought a chair just incase I needed it. They supported me throughout. They couldnt come too close or hold my hand or anything but they were super supportive with words. We got into the birth centre where I was examined and I technically wasnt in “established labour” but I was already in a lot of pain so I was torn between going back home, labouring quickly and not making it back with no pain relief but being with Paul or staying in hospital but alone. Giving that I laboured quickly with Arlo I just chose to stay alone with my gas and air. Poor Paul was sat in the car waiting and refused to go home. The midwives weren’t allowed to come too close but it was relaxed and chilled, no masks or anything.

I laboured alone for about 2 or 3 hours. I urged them to examine me again sooner than they should have just so that Paul had a better chance of coming to me sooner. Yes it was scary, yes it was lonely, yes it was hard. But I done it. And if I can do it, anyone can. Your body finds strength and just powers on through because that’s what it’s made to do and you cant exactly back out of it🤣🤷‍♀️

Paul came up at 6.30pm and she was born at 7.34pm so he was with me for the hardest part and the best part. If you think you’re labouring quickly and worried your partner will miss anything just urge them to check you more regularly. He was then allowed to stay with us after she was born. It was so relaxed afterwards and we were just left to it. Minimum contact, but support was offered and there if you needed it. I chose to go home as soon as I could. So we waited 6 hours for Ruby to be checked and left the delivery room. I didnt go onto a postnatal ward. If you chose to stay, then your partner goes home. We left at 2am odd but they allowed it giving the circumstances.

Postnatal care so far – I had a phone call from a midwife on day 1 to just check everything was okay. If I wanted or needed someone to come to the house then they would have but we were ok. On day 4 I was worried about Ruby’s umbilical cord so we rang county and were allowed up there for her to be checked. So the support from midwives is still there and you wont be forgotten about. But again I had to take Ruby alone. But at the end of the day, it doesnt matter. All that matters is baby arrives happy, healthy and safely.

Please dont be nervous about going to the Gwent hospital despite the rumours going around. I cannot thank the midwives enough, it was so quiet. None of the midwives have any symptoms and they havent had any pregnant women with covid19 as of yet.

For anyone in pregnancy and near the end… you got this!!! 💕


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